sumWorshipStarting on July 12th and going through August 16th…

We will be having our Evening Worship Services in the Chapel at 6:00 p.m. And in conjunction with the beginning and the end of our summer nights we will have two church-wide fellowships after our worship:

Ice Cream Fellowship: July 12th

    Here is your chance to make your favorite homemade ice-cream or go buy a gallon of Blue Bell (if it is ever back on the selves) and bring them for everyone to eat. Just make it (or buy it) and drop it off in the Fellowship Hall before our Evening Worship in the Chapel and after a great time of worship, we enjoy some great food and friendship! (If you plan to make something, please call the church office, so we can make sure we have enough ice cream on hand).

Watermelon Fellowship: Aug. 16th

   If you grow them in your garden or you just would like to donate one (maybe you would be willing to drive to Hope and get a big ol’ yummy one), please contact Sue Anderson and let her know you would like to donate a melon or two. We will have them iced down and ready to eat after our Evening Worship that night outside under our playground pavilion. (Contact Sue Anderson at 903.748.6741).