Diving into 1 Peter…

“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ… To God’s elect strangers in the world, scattered” (v 1a)

Some Thoughts…

   A simple yet profound introduction to a letter written to anyone who has desired to accept God’s gift of salvation…written by one who had spent quality time with the Savior of the world…Peter was there!  But I get ahead of myself…A couple of things I see as I begin this study:

1) The Power of the Apostle’s words:

 Peter’s description of himself is brief, but it says much that I need to hear.  He was given insight I can’t possess, authority I’ll never be granted, and the experience of walking and talking with Jesus in ways I will never have.  I need to take careful note of how he says Jesus wants me to live…so I check my perspective at the door and sit at the feet of one who actually lived and breathed the same air as my Savior.

2) The Position and Placement of All Believers:

Our Position – We are God’s people!  Not some after-thought of God because of the Jews’ rejecting of their Messiah. Not at all; we were chosen before time began.  We are children of Abraham because of our faith in Jesus…and that position needs to make all the difference in the way I choose to live every moment of my life.  (We are specially chosen out of the world by God, cleansed by His Spirit and sprinkled with the blood of His son.  Each of these images has Old Testament significance and is Peter’s way of pointing to the New Covenant in Christ.  (See Exodus 24:8 for an example) We are not an after-thought – we are part of God’s plan!

Our Placement – We are scattered strangers in the world!  We are scattered like the people of Israel into all nations where we long for our home just as they did.  (Some call this the new “diasporas”)…So how do we live?  As “strangers” – or “resident aliens”, we sense the fact that we are here for a while, and although it is not home, we will live as model citizens, law-abiding, and contributing positively to the world we live in…we are ambassadors in a foreign land…a land that (ironically) we were promised…but even more we long for an eternal home…and so we wait for His return but our waiting is not passive because we know that we belong to God and He is calling us and expecting us to live like we are His people.

   So we begin the study of the great Apostle’s
 “traveler’s guide for Christian pilgrims”

“Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.” Psalm 84:5

A Prayer…

Father, I am not living in the reality of who I am in Christ (or who we are collectively as God’s people)  I lack the joy and passion that I read of in Your word…So I ask for faith and vision to see it the way You do…and to live fully as a citizen of Heaven on assignment on planet earth…may I find joy in the journey, courage in the battle, and hope in the darkness to live my life fully for Your glory and honor and fame.  Amen

That’s NOT us!

“That we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” (v.39)

Some Thoughts…

   I’ve often read this chapter with much alarm.  Asking; have I “trampled” Jesus or profaned His name, or insulted the Spirit? (See v.29)  But, I realize something as I study this passage.  This is more than some kind of cosmic loophole to keep the weak-willed or persistent backslider out of heaven.  This chapter speaks of those who vehemently and violently oppose the message of Jesus and the work He has done, and then moves quickly to the response of the true believer (even the weak-willed struggler).

   There is a call to persevere, to remember who called us, to cling to His promise, to hold loosely the things of this life, and hold firmly to the promise of God with unwavering commitment and unexplainable joy…He is returning and all the wrongs will be set right.  Don’t be troubled by those who rage against you as you do all you can to follow Jesus, for they (just like us) are in the hands of God…And what a fearful place that is without the blood of the covenant they so smugly refused. 
   Don’t shrink back, stay the course. Never forget that we can’t be labeled that way anymore, because “WE ARE NOT OF THOSE WHO SHRINK BACK…”  God is here and will vindicate the faithful…just believe and walk in that faith.

A Prayer…

   Father, thank you for the assurance of Your mighty work of salvation through Jesus!  Let me walk in faith forever.  Amen.

Am I telling Jesus to GO AWAY?

Read Luke 5:1-11 
“When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, 
“Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”  (v 8)

Some Thoughts…

   What brought on this display of self-loathing and repentant confession?  If I had been Peter, I would have been amazed at the incredible amount of fish or possibly excited with the prospect of huge profits for the family business.  This miracle could have not been that big of a surprise.  Peter had already observed Jesus’ power to heal and cast out demons in his own house.  He had heard Jesus teach. What was so special this time?

   Well, I can only suppose that Jesus (knowing the hearts of all men) knew where Peter put his trust and hopes for happiness and peace in life.  Peter was a proud man, strong in personality, and I’m sure a very self-sufficient man.  And like most men found his identity in his job.  He was a fisherman, and I feel certain he was a pretty good one.  His operation included more than one boat and had partners (see v 7).  As Jesus concluded his sermon to the masses (I’m sure a message that dealt with the Kingdom of God and giving up self and stuff for eternity and life in the presence of God), He turns to Peter and looks him in the heart, then begins a personal sermon – just for Peter.

   Peter must have doubted Jesus’ power or questioned His power.  We can gain that much from his statement in verse 5…maybe his thoughts were something like; “OK, you may know something about spiritual matters of the heart, but this is what I do all the time, I don’t need your help here.  Give me a break!  I know this lake from shore to shore…there are no fish where you are pointing.  But, I’ll do it just to satisfy You, Jesus, after all you did heal my mother-in-law.”

   Then the great catch and the ensuing chaos of a catch and when the fish stopped flopping and his heart stopped sinking, Peter realized that this man knew his job better than he did.  Peter realized that he needed Jesus for every event of his life.  He realized his heart was pitifully sinful in comparison to the God-man that sat in his boat smiling back at him.  Peter realized that all the words Jesus had spoken were not high and lofty theology…these words were life spoken from the life-giver…so he turned to the God of the Universe clothed in flesh and begged for mercy.

   And what was Jesus’ response?  OK now you are ready to follow me…Don’t be afraid to let go of your nets and take hold of my hand…it is time to fish for men.”  And Jesus lifted Peter’s eyes to the departing crowd.  Follow me…Peter, follow me!

A Prayer…

   Dear God Almighty, you look into my soul and see what I cling to for security and you strip it away so that all I have is your hand to hold.  May I walk with you today.  May I see your hand pointing to the place where I need to cast my net, and may I obey with confidence as you fill the net with souls ready to come to you.  I’m twice the sinner Peter ever was, could you use me like you did Him…make me completely yours and remove “me” so that others see You, Dear Jesus…Amen!

Something we can be sure of…

“But mark this:  There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be … “(3:1-2a)

Some Thoughts…

    …Mark it down, come to terms with it, and understand this as fact young, timid, fearful, Timothy (and Rick…and anyone else who stands with trembling legs before a harsh world) we live in the last days (see Matt. 24, Luke 21, Mark 13,and Rev. 6).  Jesus ushered them in – so we can expect peril and menacing oppression from within (even in the church we find that the enemy has planted undercover “covert operations” spies – Matt. 13:24-30) and without (the world will always hate what it can’t understand –Matt. 10:22).  It is fact and not opinion!  Deal with it, be ready for it, ready your mind and soul to stand firm and fight the good fight.

    On the heels of some dynamic metaphors to express the character and conduct of God’s minister of His Gospel (i.e. soldiers, athletes, and farmers) dedicated to the task; like a workmen or craftsmen who is making a clear portrait of truth.   After those beautiful word pictures, Paul sums it up by calling Timothy to be a clean vessel; proclaim the truth from a pure life style; a servant; gentle, creative and humble…  On the heels of all this encouragement, Paul presents the opposition.  He reminds Timothy and the reader that evil people, fallen, rebellious, led by their desires; weather intentionally or by nature of their lives will make the furtherance of the Gospel perilous, difficult and frustrating…

    Just mark it down.  Make concessions for it and don’t give up.  There is no doubt, as you look at the way the New Testament portrays the end times. It paints the picture of a spiritual war.  This is not Vacation Bible School! Craft time is over!  Cookies and punch are NOT being served.  The battle for souls is raging.  And God is calling out his faithful foot-solders to take up His cause to defeat the enemy by loving estranged outcasts into the fold of the good shepherd.  Will you heed the call?  If so, just be prepared for the bottom to fall out on occasion.  And know that accepting God’s call could mean giving up everything, and I do mean…everything.  This is no causal endeavor or luxury cruise! Be a clean vessel, fit for the use of God!

A Prayer…

   Father, as Paul encouraged Timothy to know truth, to come to terms with the reality of his situation, I plead with You; the ONE who is determined and fearless, the faithful and true witness that will not give up as “The Day” gets closer and closer.  I plead with You to make me a worthy vessel to carry your message to those who will hear. And when I’m afraid, give me unexplainable courage to persevere. Amen.

What does “GOD IS FAITHFUL” really mean?

“…a trustworthy saying: “If we died with Him we will also live with Him
If we endure, we will also reign with Him
If we disown (deny) Him He will disown us
If we are faithless, He will remain faithful for He cannot disown Himself.” (11-13)

Some Thoughts…

   There are some things that you can stake your life on!  Mark it down; you can count on it!  And one of those is this: the proof of salvation and real life comes through the putting to death of self and personal ambitions and this self-death comes as we learn to live like Jesus by the way we  endure  the difficulties, heartache, and frustrations that this broken life hands us, and also by our diligence to stick with God’s plan for us personally and for humanity in general…it’s hard work (Salvation is by grace not works, but working out our salvation takes a lot of  blood, sweat, and tears – see Philippians 2:12). 

    There is a prize, however, that awaits us at the end; there is rest for our diligence and endurance (as it says in Hebrews 4:1-11).  Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light, but it is still a yoke and a yoke is designed for hard work!  So, if we must work had in this life, we might as well take the ONE yoke that will make this sin-stained existence more bearable…and with Jesus, it’s all worth it!   Anything worthwhile is not easy, we can be sure of that!  But there is a divine promise that if we will stick it out… If we trust in His way, If we have faith in His plan for life and that which is to come after, then…. Then we will have a place of honor with him…”We’ll reign with HIM”…WOW! 

   But there is something else you can stake your life on (or seal your fate on!).  Disbelief or complete denial of the reality of God and His work through Jesus will bring eternal darkness.  “If we are faithless, he will remain faithful” – This doesn’t mean God will say, “Oh well, you did the best you could, come on in!”  No, God must be faithful to Himself; to His promises of life as well as His statements of judgment and wrath.  We have this lifetime to choose to own Him or disown Him.  To be faithful or faithless, die to self now or die in our sin later – it is our choice.

   Yes!  God is faithful to keep His word…if we will let go of ourselves, give in to His master plan for life and ministry, and trust God to work out life, there is a crown that awaits us!  But if we choose our own way; if we refuse the light and return to grope in darkness, then our Faithful Father has no choice but to allow us to suffer the fate we have chosen…

   Life without God now, means life eternally without God…God is faithful… let us choose Paul’s example of determined faith even while chained to a Roman Guard…  “This is why I endure…” (v. 10)

 A Prayer…

    Father, let me live in a way that will show You beaming from every pore of my being.  Put to death me so that You have freedom to remake me, and in so doing, point others to Your love, grace and faithfulness.  Help me to never look at You again as a push-over or someone who waivers in carrying out what You said.  You are faithful; not a man that men should sway you (Galatians 6:7; Numbers 23:19).  Help me to faithfully endure in Your Son and Spirit’s power.  Amen.

The answer to life’s “test” is Jesus!

Read John 6:1-15
“He asked this only to test Him, for He already had in mind what he was going to do” (v.6)

Some Thoughts…

   So often we fail the test that Philip failed, we are so familiar with our physical surroundings, our visible resources, and our natural ability that we overlook Jesus… In the face of great need, we whine just as Philip did and proclaim, “There ain’t no way!”  “The need is too great” … “It can’t be done.”  When all along Jesus has a plan.  He already knows how and what and for how long it needs to be done.

   It is a frightening thing to realize how small my faith is.  For God has called us to a world in need to do the impossible (humanly speaking).  All that God desires is all of my resources (no matter how useless and small they may seem). And once we place them in His hand, He gives thanks and begins to use them in miraculous ways.  OH, if I could ever learn the lesson of the providence of God and remember the answer to the “test” is always Jesus.

(The need is enormous, and God plans to use what I have to meet it!)

A Prayer…

  Father, forgive me when I focus on me and my feeble attempts to serve you.  Here I am; all of me.  Take me, break me, and disperse me into a world in need!  Help me not forget that it is You who does the work, You just want me along for the ride… and a little cooperation and company.  Thanks!  Amen.

The Holy Spirit is my most treasured gift!

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…” (v6)

Some Thoughts:

     There is Paul in prison and Timothy is in Ephesus.  Paul was in Roman chains awaiting a sure execution for his unwillingness to compromise the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Timothy was in the prison of his own insecurities.  Maybe Timothy’s mind raced with questions like, “What if all this is not true?  Maybe Paul was wrong.  I’m not sure I’ve got what it takes to stand up to such a hostile world. Let’s get real, I’m no Paul.  I’m just Timothy; the Pastor with stomach problems (see I Tim. 5:23).  If they will take the life of someone like my strong father in the faith, I’m doomed… and who will listen to me after the word gets out that Paul is dead?  Surely this movement is coming to an end…”

     Then Paul’s letter arrives; a very personal letter, written from the heart of someone longing to see Timothy (v4), from a mentor that knew his student all too well. And what does Paul say right at the start of his letter? Maybe it sounded something like this:  “Timothy, I’m afraid your fear is killing your zeal for God.  You’ve got to remember the gift God has given you.  You possess the very Spirit of God.  You are not weak, wishy-washy, and stupid!  NO!  You have the gifts of POWER, LOVE, and a sound mind… Stoke the furnace of your soul. Fan the flames that once burned bright.  Stir up the fading coals.  My tour of duty may be ending, but God’s work is not done.  God will give you what you lack (see James 1:5).  God called you, because He has a purpose for you.” (See. Verse 9)

     I may find myself at times ready to throw in the towel.  I often feel timid and afraid in the face of hostile opposition or apathetic indifference, but this morning I hear God saying, “I have what you need. I’ve already given it to you.  You’ve got what it takes, my son.  Fan the flames, keep them burning.  For the light I’ve placed in you will be a beacon of hope to a lost soul today… never give up!”

 A Prayer…
Gracious Father,

    Thank you for the gift of Your Spirit that doesn’t leave me powerless against a hardened and sometimes aggressive world or even my own self-conscious insecurities.  I praise you for calling me to serve you.  Today may my life be a flame of hope to those You direct me to serve.  AMEN

God chooses the weak!

Read Hebrews 11:30-38
“…For time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah also of David and Samuel and the prophets. (v. 32)

Some Thoughts…

   What incredible encouragement is hidden in these few verses!  After telling us about some larger than life faithful folks, the writer of Hebrews turns to those less than noble: a harlot – Rahab, a harlot’s son – Jephtha, women chasers – David, Samson, the bottom of the bottom of the social gene pool – Gideon, etc.  These people believed God was who He said He was, and their lives changed accordingly; they obeyed and with God’s power did amazing things.  Some of them, in the midst of their journey with God failed miserably, but even in failure they never turned from God, even in their weakness they never cursed their Creator.  With failure, they kept going, and for that God numbered them with the Saints.

   God’s Kingdom is full of this world’s rejects and weakling.  Our Lord loves to lavish His grace on the imperfect and inconsistent, in order to recreate a sinner into a saint.  The catalyst is a believing heart that never stops believing God is, was, and will be who He promised to be and that He truly delivers His people. No matter what may appear to be reality, God will complete His work and His plan will come to pass.

A Prayer…

   Father, here I am in my weakness, yet I believe and I put all I am at Your disposal, use what you can for your glory!  Amen.

Jesus reached out to ANYONE and I must imitate Him.

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and he would have given you Living Water.” (v10)

 Some Thoughts…                     

  It is a striking and sobering thought that Jesus related so well with sinners, whether it was a Pharisee like Nicodemus or a Samaritan woman with a reputation.  Jesus was patient, He spoke on their level, He spoke to their need and he always met them with the truth, the reality of His saving grace, and His eternal-life giving presence. 

   When Jesus spoke with the woman at the well, He was not concerned with social traditions.  He was only concerned about her soul.  He was focused on the work His Father had sent Him to do (v34).  He saw the readiness of a person’s heart for the good news (“They are ripe for harvest,” v35b) … Jesus, who is the eternal Creator and sustainer of life, was deeply concerned for the outcast (and in this case the outcast of outcast, a Samaritan woman living in sin!).

   There is so much in the passage of scripture to consider and meditate on; the issue of worship, morality, God’s view of sin, witnessing, conversion…  Yet the thing that will not let me go is the tenacious, unashamed, and relentless love of God for all humanity from the best of us to the least of us. 

A Prayer…

   Father, give me eyes like Jesus that see the harvest in the hearts of humanity.  Grant me a purpose-driven lifestyle that seeks to lift you up in every conversation to the point of that individual’s need.  I need wisdom and understanding.  Amen.

Salvation is a birth process…

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (v13)

Some Thoughts…

   Here it is! …The basis of the Christian life.  We do not gain eternal life because we attend Sunday services, nor because we do missions in the jungle; although those are noble and God-pleasing tasks. It doesn’t even matter if we can recite scriptures from Genesis to Maps; charitable actions and academic knowledge are not enough. They were not enough for a Pharisee named Nicodemus and they will not be enough for you and me.  

   We find real life when we allow ourselves to leave the warm comforts of the womb of this world’s system of thinking and acting and burst into heaven’s way of living.  We are “born from above” – “reborn” – New – not of this world… The wind of the Spirit blows and calls us out of darkness and into the pure heart-piercing light of eternity.  It is a new life that places its trust completely in Jesus and not on anything, person, or institution.  It is a life that renounces allegiance to anything or anyone that attempts to darken or modify the light of God.

   Yet so many people love darkness and hate God’s light (v19-20).  They refuse to abandon their slowly-but-surely-sinking ship and trust the truth of God – to lean only on Jesus for security instead of their own self-constructed self-centered false security.  God’s love is truly far-reaching and patient to bear with us “dark” minded people.
 Salvation is a birth process
and I can choose to stay in the womb or inter into the light.  

A Prayer…

   Father, As Nicodemus heeded your call for new birth and exited darkness and chose to live in the eternal light of your truth and sustaining Spirit, may I also live and breathe the second birth… and when given the opportunity, allow me the privilege of having “mid-wife” privileges as you administer the delivery of another soul into the light of your glorious salvation.  Amen.