Get involved in music and worship at
FBC New Boston…
Sanctuary Choir:
Our adults meet every Wednesday night @ 6:30 p.m. in the Music Suite to rehearse and prepare to lead the worship on Sunday mornings. We will, from time to time do special presentations for Christmas, Easter, patriotic celebrations, and other celebrated times of the year. No audition is necessary…only a love of singing and a heart for the Lord!
Kids Worship Arts:
Our Preschoolers and Children meet on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. for opportunities to use their God-given talents for the purpose of glorifying God. Our purpose is train children musically and spiritually to be better worshipers and followers of Christ. This is a place for ALL children from Kindergarten through sixth grade. Come worship along with us!
Worship Praise Team and Band:
This is an auditioned group of singers and instrumentalists that lead out in Sunday morning worship at the Minister of Music’s discretion and are committed to regular attendance of other opportunities of church worship and service. Contact the church office at
Youth Praise Team:
Grades 7-12 meet on Wednesday evenings at 5:00 p.m. We prepare music for Wednesday evening Youth worship and other opportunities when possible.
Handbell Choir:
Children’s Handbells (Vibrations) meet at 4:30p.m. each Wednesday and is for grades 4-6. Contact the church office if you are interested in ringing bells.