Gentleness, Respect, and a Clear Conscience

“Keeping a clean conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. (v 16)

Some Thoughts…

   It seems that at times I can justify my over-bearing and obnoxious behavior behind the facade of my “Christian witness” – I can think I’m glorifying God even if I make others mad or defensive while I point out to them their short-comings without a Savior.  But, here in these four verses is another gentle reminder of what it looks like to have a “clean conscience” in Christ.

  The phrase before the command to keep my conscience clear tells us to use gentleness and respect when engaging unbelievers in dialogue with the Gospel…Our conscience will quickly let us know when we are going too far…We know it because we start to make justifications for our harshness, and when we hear ourselves making excuses for upsetting the status quo of a lost soul. When that happens we know we are walking up the wrong path.  We must live as Jesus did; loving the lost, showing great care for them, and patiently guiding them to TRUTH.

   In the Gospels we never see Jesus (I don’t think anyway) fighting with the irreligious.  We only see Jesus getting angry at religious folks, but with the rabble of society…the regular Joe; He shows patience and compassion.  Many time simply doing good for them with no explanation of why or how, and He waited (not always, but many times) for people to ask questions… And with a clear conscience toward God, He could talk to them about sin, suffering, and salvation.  And with that same clear conscience He could stand against evil and societal injustice many times placing Himself in harm’s way and becoming the target of angry mobs, but His conscience was clear toward God…because just as Peter reminds us in v18, His focus was on saving the world.

   His conscience was clear of self-will and self-glory. He had one goal – that God would get the glory by bringing salvation to all who would believe. And that is our calling – not to be sand in the shoe of society, but salt to season the planet and not to be a blinding beam in someone’s face, but a helpful light to shine on the path that will lead us home…And when Christ becomes our single goal (not just our top priority) our conscience begins to clear and no matter the situation, whether to suffer or to soar on wings like eagles, we can and will live fully and completely the way God intends. with gentleness, respect, and a Clear Conscience

A Prayer…

Father, I want a clear conscience and a gentle and respectful soul.  Remove all the things in me that would keep that reality from me, so that I can be completely Yours – for Your glory!  Amen.